The NDIS & you
A brief overview of the NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of helping and supporting Australians with a disability (and their carers). It covers Australians under 65 with a permanent and significant disability they were born with, or have acquired. By investing in and helping people as early as possible, the NDIS hopes to improve outcomes for participants from an early age.
Each person covered under the NDIS has a plan that lists their goals and the support they require. The NDIS will fund these supports, and the participant is given a choice of how to use their funding. They may choose to use services from a number of providers.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) helps both providers and participants find each other. It helps people access providers and gives providers support to improve their service offerings. The NDIA also helps connect participants to the service providers and supports in their community.
You can choose to manage your own funds, in which case you make claims to NDIS directly or you can also ask the NDIA – the agency responsible for administering the NDIS to manage your funding for you.
The NDIS aims to give Australians with a disability the same opportunities as other Australians to make decisions which are in their best interests and give them control over their life. It helps provide certainty and consistency for people with disabilities and those who care for them.
Every participant in the NDIS deserves to have control over how they live and access to the support they need to help them reach their goals and lead an ordinary life.
Parents of children with a disability can relax, knowing their child will be supported by the NDIS from birth.
The NDIS Practice Standards form the basis of everything we do
Standard 1 – Rights and Responsibilities
Standard 2 – Provider Governance and Operational Management
Standard 3 – Provision of Supports